What do I need to know about abortion?
Before choosing abortion for your unexpected pregnancy, understand the various procedures, side effects, and risks. Abortion is a serious and life-changing decision. Before you make your appointment with an abortion provider, talk with us first.
Free Screening
Make an appointment with New Beginnings for a free screening. Our medical staff will walk you through every step. It’s important to be fully informed so you can make a confident decision.
The screening includes:
- A discussion with a member of our medical staff regarding your situation and your symptoms
- A free medical-grade pregnancy test
- Confirmation of pregnancy with a free ultrasound
- A peer-to-peer discussion about your options
Two Types Of Abortion
The abortion pill is a medical abortion method. The FDA approved the use of this procedure up to 70 days after the first day of your last menstrual period. Medical abortions occurring closer to the end of the 70 days have a greater failure rate. Do you know the date you got pregnant?
Side Effects and Potential Risks:
- An incomplete abortion
- Heavy and prolonged bleeding
- Abdominal cramping
- Infection
- Fever and dizziness
- Diarrhea
Abortion providers perform surgical abortions in a clinic. The number of days you’ve been pregnant determines the type of surgical procedure. The procedures range from Vacuum Aspiration, where the pregnancy is sucked from your body to dilation and evacuation (D & E), which uses scraping instruments and possibly forceps to remove tissue.
Side Effects and Potential Risks
- Perforation of the uterus
- Damage to the cervix
- Scar tissue on the uterine wall
- Infection
Important Questions To Answer First
Am I really pregnant?
Since up to 20% of known pregnancies end in a natural miscarriage, it’s crucial to determine if you have a viable (growing) pregnancy. If you’ve had a miscarriage, there is no reason to schedule an abortion. Only an ultrasound can confirm if you’ve miscarried.
How far along am I?
Knowing the gestational date (the date you got pregnant) determines the abortion procedure. Ultrasound can give you a very close idea of the gestational age of your pregnancy. Many women are surprised to find out they’re much farther along than they realized.
Could I have an STI?
Pregnancy does not prevent you from getting a sexually transmitted infection (STI). Abortion does not cure an STI. In fact, having a surgical abortion can cause the infection to spread.
The Emotional Side Of Abortion
Most women report feeling relief immediately after an abortion. But over time, weeks, months, or even years, they might begin to struggle with painful emotional feelings.
These emotions can include:
- Depression/anxiety
- Regret
- Thoughts of suicide
- Lowered self-esteem
- Substance abuse
- Flashbacks
- Sexual Dysfunction
Our peer-to-peer counselors are available to listen and talk with you. We also offer a post-abortion recovery group called Surrendering the Secret. If you have never shared your abortion experience, it may affect your quality of life. We provide a safe place to talk with other women who understand. Join us in the journey toward healing.
Contact postabortionhelp@newbeginningsofwinchester.org
24/7 Text: 859-208-2390
New Beginnings does not perform or refer for abortions.