I Don’t Want to Be Pregnant. Is Abortion My Only Option?

Your mind was probably racing with questions when you learned you were pregnant, and now you’re starting to consider pregnancy options. Perhaps this pregnancy was unexpected, and you’re not interested in continuing.

You may not want to be pregnant because you aren’t ready to parent or aren’t financially stable. Or you ended a relationship and aren’t sure if you’ll have support. Whatever your reasons, we hear you and recognize that this situation can feel agonizing.

If you aren’t ready to parent, abortion isn’t your only option. And if you have mixed feelings about your pregnancy, more resources are available than you may realize. New Beginnings of Winchester provides free information on parenting and adoption to help you make the best decision possible.

What Would Parenting Be Like?

Raising a child is a big responsibility, and it may have been something you thought of when learning about your pregnancy. Parenting can be a challenging experience, but it can also invite more love and fulfillment into your life than you thought possible.

Asking yourself the following questions can be helpful:

  • Am I financially stable enough to raise a child right now?
  • Do I have a strong support system?
  • Can I provide a loving, stable home for a child?
  • Will the child’s father be involved?
  • If I’m worried about parenting, what resources would I need to make this decision?

It can feel overwhelming to consider parenting when you become pregnant. You may think that ending your pregnancy is the only option. However, it’s wise to weigh all your options so you make an informed decision.

We can discuss parenting with you, and if you select this option, we provide parenting classes, material items, referrals, and more. You won’t be alone at any stage of this journey.

Should I Choose Adoption?

If you don’t want to be pregnant because you don’t wish to parent and have reviewed that option, adoption could be right for you. Despite what you may have seen in movies and on TV, much has changed with this option.

Adoption involves placing your child in a loving family that will provide for them and give them a safe home. It does not mean you’re “giving up” your child; you have total control over the process and can select the adoptive family.

As the birth mother, you also select the adoption plan that works for you:

  • Open adoption: You’ll form a relationship with the adoptive family and child. You can have regular contact through visits, phone calls, and more.
  • Semi-open adoption: With this plan, you’ll have contact with the adoptive family and child, but it occurs through a third party like an adoption attorney or agency.
  • Closed adoption: Closed adoptions are the most private. This plan will mean that all identifying records are sealed, and you won’t have contact.

Adoption can be a difficult option to navigate, but you don’t have to do this alone. We’ll talk about adoption and refer you to reputable adoption specialists who can walk you through every step.

Have More Questions?

When you face an unexpected pregnancy, New Beginnings of Winchester is here for you with free pregnancy services, including options counseling.

Make an appointment today.