How Will Abortion Affect Me Physically?

pregnant woman curious about how will abortion affect her mentally

Abortion affects everyone differently, but certain physical side effects always occur. There are also risks you should know in order to make an informed decision with your health in mind. New Beginnings of Winchester provides free pregnancy services so you can learn the facts about your pregnancy and the options available. Make an appointment today

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What is a Medical Abortion?

pregnant woman curious about the medical abortion

Medical abortion is one example of a method used to end a pregnancy. It’s a serious decision, so you should educate yourself on this option’s risks and side effects. Making a fact-based decision will help you make a choice that considers your health and safety. We’re here to discuss your options with you. Make a

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How Will Abortion Affect Me Mentally?

pregnant woman curious about how will abortion affect her mentally

No two women will have the same abortion experience. How they feel afterward depends on several factors, including their personal beliefs, history of mental health issues, and whether they felt pressured to choose abortion. If you’re considering abortion for your unexpected pregnancy, understanding the potential mental health effects helps you weigh this option carefully. You

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I Don’t Want to Be Pregnant. Is Abortion My Only Option?

woman who is not considering abortion

Your mind was probably racing with questions when you learned you were pregnant, and now you’re starting to consider pregnancy options. Perhaps this pregnancy was unexpected, and you’re not interested in continuing. You may not want to be pregnant because you aren’t ready to parent or aren’t financially stable. Or you ended a relationship and

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Is an Online Abortion or At-Home Abortion Safe?

pregnant woman considering an online abortion

Any medical procedure involving drugs purchased online can carry certain risks, especially if the origin of those drugs is unknown. With an online or at-home abortion, these risks should be considered. Before making a decision, receive medical-grade pregnancy testing and a limited ultrasound at New Beginnings of Winchester. These free services will help you move

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Why Talk to Us About Abortion?

pregnant woman considering abortion

You have various resources to turn to when talking about your pregnancy options. What makes New Beginnings of Winchester different? We’ll treat you with respect every step of the way, and you won’t pay for any of our services. Best of all, we’ll provide the information you need in a confidential, non-judgmental environment. This is

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How Can I Recover Emotionally After an Abortion?

How Can I Recover Emotionally After an Abortion?

Knowing what to do after an abortion can feel confusing, especially if you’re struggling emotionally. The physical side effects of abortion procedures are discussed often, but not enough emphasis is placed on possible mental health issues. If you’ve had an abortion, we’re here for you. New Beginnings of Winchester wants you to know that you’re

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3 Things Needed Before Abortion

3 Things Needed Before Abortion

No matter your pregnancy decision, you must safeguard your health and receive credible options information. An unplanned pregnancy can cause much uncertainty and fear, so you deserve to make an informed decision.  If you’re considering abortion, know that it’s not a decision to be made lightly. Learning about the procedures and gaining essential pregnancy information

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Is Abortion or Adoption Right for Me?

Is Abortion or Adoption Right for Me?

Choosing a pregnancy option amidst an unplanned pregnancy can feel daunting. And if you know you’re uninterested in parenting, you may wonder about your remaining options.  Two options are available: abortion and adoption. Consider each option carefully and weigh its pros and cons. New Beginnings of Winchester is here to help you make an informed

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What Are the Signs of an Incomplete Abortion?

What Are the Signs of an Incomplete Abortion?

An incomplete abortion is a serious complication of abortion procedures that should be treated immediately. Arm yourself with the facts before choosing abortion as a pregnancy decision.  This complication occurs when some of the pregnancy tissue remains behind in the uterus after an abortion. You may be more at risk if factors such as having

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